Monday, March 31, 2014

March 31, 2014

Status update! Tell me where you are at on your product website? Can you be finished by tomorrow at the end of the hour? Do you need more time? How much more time? Be honest and explain yourself.

I have about 5 pages done on my website, but i do have all the required materials to get the rest of them done. I would be able to get the website done middle of Block day on Wednesday.

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10, 2014

After reading below to see where you should be on your product website - are you caught up? What helps you stay caught up in class? Do you like having small checkpoints? Are you behind? If so, what are you going to do to get caught up?

I am almost to the correct spot being just a tad behind, hoping to get caught up by pushing through it the next couple of days into the week and getting the website done. my small checkpoints involve not getting distracted in my work over the next 3 days hoping to push into this site.